If you have a problem with standing water in your crawl space, the problem may be more than just a little water that needs to be removed. Sometimes, the water in the foundation could be causing structural problems that will also need to be repaired, and when you have repairs done, you want to make sure improvements are done to prevent problems from returning. The following crawl space foundation repair guide will help you deal with the standing water under your home that has caused structural damage:
Pumping out Standing Water in the Crawl Space and Evaluating the Damage
The first step in repairing the damage to your crawl space is removing any standing water. Pump the water out and leave any access doors open to ventilate the crawl space. If there is a smell of moisture and humidity, use a fan to help circulate the air in the crawl space and dry everything out before you continue with the repairs that are going to be needed.
Inspecting Foundation and Mechanical Installations for Problems with Mold Growth
With crawl spaces, problems with water and moisture can cause mold to grow. This is often due to the problems in the foundation going unnoticed for a long time. Therefore, you will want to inspect the structural woodwork, as well as mechanical systems like HVAC ducts for problems with mold that need to be addressed when doing repairs to your crawl space.
Checking the Exterior Foundation Waterproofing and Structure for Damage That Needs to Be Repaired
The exterior foundation waterproofing system for your crawl space is also important and can be the cause of many problems. Look for problems with failing waterproofing and damage to the foundation structure like cracks in concrete or block walls. The structural repairs will need to be done to the outside walls, and exterior waterproofing will need to be repaired and updated to repair the damage to your foundation.
Encapsulation, Submersible Pumps, and Drainage Improvements to Help Keep the Water out and Prevent Damage
When you have identified problems and started repairs, you will also want to consider improvements. If your foundation is in an area where the water table is higher, consider adding a sump pump and dry well to remove water that seeps into the foundation. You may also want to consider crawl space encapsulation to help deal with moisture and protect your foundation from many of these problems.
These are some of the things that need to be done to deal with the standing water beneath your home that may be causing structural damage. If you have a crawl space with water problems and structural damage, contact a crawl space foundation repair service and talk to them about fixing the problem and solutions to prevent future damage.
To learn more about crawl space foundation repair, contact a company in your area like Atlas Master Co.